.: food for soul...

[ Sunday, February 13, 2005 ]

women are looney: mature or old? or crap?

[Written by a guy. Bracket and bold = me, everything else = the guy]

Women often talk about wanting a man who is "mature." Does that simply mean they are looking for an older man?

Now, what I'm about to say might sound a little weird, but go with me here. One of the problems I think us guys are facing is that we don't have good "role models" or good "mature guy friends" to help us learn how to be better men.

I think that most of us grow up but never learn how to be mature. One of the qualities that women are intensely attracted to is maturity in men.

If you ask a beautiful young woman what her biggest frustration is with men her age, she'll almost always respond with something like, "Men my age are so immature," or "Men my age are just stupid." [Women always stick to the fact that they reach puberty faster than men thus making them more mature. That is crap. Men and women think differently and that does not make one less mature than the other. If men with their "boys will always be boys" thingy make them immature then what makes women with their vanity? Naïve and immature? And not to mention vain?]

[Men and women behave differently thru certain age. Men in the early 20s are much more into fun and excitement with less commitment. It’s all about girls, alcohol, sports in the 20s and when they reach their early 30s, they start to think about having a family, a stable career that will put their kids thru college and stuffs like that. Women in general are more attracted to older guys because older guys give them a sense of stability, commitment, security and money (yeah, money)]

[Women on the other hand are pretty much the same. In their early 20s women care more about their looks than anything else. It’s all about the new trends, the new dress, new hairdo, the new lipstick, new LV bags, and new Prada limited edition crocodile leather shoes. But when they reach early 30s or late 20s, their good looks begin to diminish and they realize that they can no longer depends on their looks to get thru life thus making them more "reasonable" than when they were younger. Women who say that men their age are immature are very much immature themselves. Just because a man acts in a certain way that you do not fancy doesn’t mean he is immature. Just because I know something you don’t doesn’t mean you are stupid]

[Men are attracted to younger women only for one thing; their beauty and nothing else. Anyone who says that older men and younger women are a better match because their maturity level is more compatible is crap. "--Psychical maturity does not equal mental maturity--". The only reason why women are often with older men is because they complement each other with their needs. Women find stability and security (and money) from older men and older men get their ego boost for having a younger woman. It’s just that simple. All those maturity crap is just... well, plain crap]

[A simple scenario: let’s say you have a guy friend age 30 years old and you ask him to choose between a girl age 22 and another girl his age, 30. Both are decent looking meaning not ugly. Most guys would go for the girl age 22. And most of them would not even ask about the personality because men in general like to make snap judgment based on appearance. Pretty = sure, ugly = no. And also the fact that man and woman like to stereotype. If a girl is not married by the age of 30, then she must have some issues. This is not just male stereotype, even girls think the same. That is why men prefer to go for younger women]

Attractive young women who can have any guy they want are attracted to a particular set of qualities that are usually present in mature men. Sometimes these men are older, but not always.

[If all women were to think like one of my friends then the only girls that I’ll ever stand a chance are girls between the age of 17 and 20. To most people I’m pretty much a slack since I do not have a 9 to 5 job so I’m not going to say that I am mature nor am I immature. As a compromise, I am just different. The stereotype from society is just not right. And sometimes, it’s not just stereotype, it’s an excuse. Some women prefer older men not because of his maturity but because older men have got more money than younger ones. Are women going to say that they prefer older man because they have more money? Of course not, so they give you the whole maturity crap as a cover up. Remember; never take what women say at face value. There could be a possibility that they might be saying what they mean but most of the time; you just got to look deeper. Like I said earlier, younger women care a lot about their looks and to sustain their good looks and appearance, money is vital and younger men can’t provide such financial package. Women who really want a mature guy would never say they want older men or look exclusively for older men because they know they could very well find their mature guy in the form of a younger man]

[In my personal opinion, the best age for a girl to get married is at 28. And don’t stereotype against younger men. Just keep an open mind for possibility. You never know what you’ll get. 7 young immature ones doesn’t mean all young ones are immature. When I was 16, my teacher asked me at what age I want to get married. I said 25. And now I have 1 year and 10 months to get a wife. Haha]

[If it wasn’t for free always-available sex, do you think your guy would still want you? What do you have to offer other than your looks and what all women already have? What do you bring to the table? If you take off your face, your boobs and your ability to have sex, what else do you have? And are men attracted to those? Now you understand why men tend to cheat after marriage. Because you have nothing else to offer other than the superficial stuffs. As the year goes by, you are not looking as good as you used to and your "assets" start to run out of shape. And other than that, what else do you have? Sometimes it’s not entirely a guy’s fault if he strays but it’s always easier for you to blame a guy for everything]

posted by [ noodlez ] | [ 6:18 AM ]


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