.: food for soul...

[ Tuesday, February 08, 2005 ]

open response #[i lost count #2]

Ying Yang is balance of everything, one can't exist without another. Young cannot exist without old. How would u know it's young with there is no old age?

By nature, when a baby is born, can you tell he/she has a good heart or rotten heart? What then determine the permanent lable of the heart if it wasn't a choice he/she made?

I got a feeling that you did not read what I wrote in respond to the first “yin yang” post. Or maybe you just glanced thru it. I’ve said that yin and yang is only a philosophy of balance. If there is white, then there has to be black. If there is young, then there has to be old. But it doesn’t mean it can be applied to everything. You are growing old now by the minutes, so the question is, can you go in reverse and grow back young?

When a baby is born, he/she has a clean heart. Good or rotten, it all depends on the choice he/she made. I agree to some extent. But let me ask you something. Before you were old enough to make any decision, who made all the decisions for you? Who decides what you should eat? Who decides which school you go to? Who decides what you should do and what you shouldn’t do? Obviously your guardians. I am not saying that one shouldn’t be held responsible for how one turns out to be but social conditioning at the early stage plays a crucial role.

The choice a person makes determine the kinda heart he/she has. This could be true. But have you ever wonder why they make the decision they make? Why some people feel no guilt throwing rubbish on the streets and why some people can’t even do something without asking for permission? It’s easy for you to judge a person based on the choice they make, but have you ever ask yourself why they make such choices? Could their upbringing be a factor? Could the friends they have be a factor? If a baby throws his food all over the place, does this make him a bad baby with a rotten heart? Are you going to judge this baby by the choice he made since you say that a choice made determines the permanent label of the heart?

A person’s heart, be it good or rotten is usually set at an early age. If you have good parents or guardians, chances are, you will grow up with a good heart. If you have bad parents, then chances are you will grow up with a rotten heart. We are all born with a clean slate (although there is genetic inheritance in some cases). If you have bad friends, chances are you will grow up with bad attitude and likewise. Like I said before, you are who you surround yourself with.

To some extent, we are a product of our environment. There is a distinct difference between girls from an all girl’s school and a coed school. And same goes with the boys.


people only choose to hear what they want to hear. people are good at surviving and protecting themselves from harm/hurtful feelings. And there is a big difference between "live with it" and "survive with it".

I agree with this. We all live in our own delusions. I have my delusions and you have yours. But the difference here is between acknowledging someone’s view and brushing it off. If I tell a Christian that Jesus Christ was actually a symbolic story instead of a real person, would he listen to me? No, because he is fixated with his delusion that he would not listen to my utter nonsense (to him at least). If I tell a Muslim that his religion was actually based on a moon-god cult dating back to a couple of thousands years, would he listen me? He could probably hit me if I'm in the wrong place. Not that I want them to agree with me or anything, i could be wrong, but I doubt they will even sit down and let me start voicing my opinions.

People are indeed good at protecting themselves from harmful/hurtful feelings but sometimes, the ways they protect themselves are actually hurtful to someone else.

Live with it means you are happy with everything. Survive with it means you believe that things could be better. And I really want to believe that the world can be a better place. That people can be better.

posted by [ noodlez ] | [ 12:28 AM ]


  • Smile... As I brought the topic of yin yang, there are questions where I do not know the answer and that lead me to discovery. This shall be off from the topic then.

    I would agreed that upbringing from young does have an affect on one's decision. And no, I do not know why he/she made such choices in life. Althought I can make assumption but that would come from judgemental and prediction. I do not know what determines a good heart and bad heart, and point taken as when you said it is done by choices he/she made and will be held responsible for it.

    kekeke... it's an interesting issue to discuss and I seen myself how I went off from the initial agenda. hahhaa... Cheers

    By Anonymous Anonymous, at February 8, 2005 at 11:46 AM  

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