.: food for soul...

[ Thursday, February 03, 2005 ]

eve's diary with a pretty one

I saw eve’s diary today on the TV. A woman talk show with a girl host name Cleo. A pretty cute host. And for today’s episode, she’s talking about guys that women hate. I mean, what kinda guys that women don’t like. And for this episode she had a guest. I didn’t really get her name but I think her name is Miss Lee.

On first sight, I already have a good feeling about the guest. She has that vibe that kinda got me attracted and further watching down the show, I was right. I do like that girl. A lot. She is one of the women that if a guy got to be with her, then the guy is one heck of a lucky guy. I mean, of course the guy has to be good in order to be with her but still, I would say the guy is lucky. Women like her are seriously low in supply these days. And I mean seriously low.

I really love the way she look at things. They way she thinks and the answer she gives while answering questions and discussing the topic. And she is pretty too. Not the kinda of pretty where most girls would dye their hair, perm, make up heavily, dress to kill or stuffs like that. She’s just simple. Her hair is simple. She took care of her hair well, nothing fancy, just let it grow and trim it when needed. No coloring, no perm. In fact, I’m pretty sure her hair is in its natural state. The make up was light, and I applaud her choice of lipstick color. Just perfect. And her attire was nice too. Nothing fancy, white jeans and a coat (or something, not sure what they call that). You can actually see that she’s very comfortable with her own skin.

Back to the main topic, men that women hate. One of the type discussed was guy with big ego or in Chinese "da nan ren". And I like the point given by the guest. She said that she’s a very ambitious woman and a go getter and she needs a guy who can keep her feet on the ground while she’s going after what she wants. We all tend get off track and not realize what we are doing and that is why we need someone there to make sure that we do not stray off track.

And then they talk about guys who drink, gamble, and violent. According to her, violent and bad tempered is different. Guy with bad temper might still be able to control himself. He knows he is bad tempered but he too knows how to control it but guys who are violent is different. I don’t know how to really explain the difference because the show was on mandarin and I don’t really know how to convert mandarin to English. But there is a difference between bad temper and being violent. And another thing that I really agree with her is that, NEVER stay with a guy who beat you or beat a woman. This can never happen, no even once. If he beats you once then that’s it. I hate guys who beat women but what hurts me the most is a girl who endures the beatings and still stays in with the guy. The girl was right (the guest, Ms. Lee) by saying that if there’s a first then there will always be a second a third and so forth.

And then a caller called in and says that she hates guy who borrow money from women and then disappear. Then this pretty girl (from now I’ll call her pretty girl coz I can’t be sure if her name is really Ms. Lee or not) ask "have you ever borrow money from a guy?". I actually laughed at this and this actually made me like pretty girl even more. The caller said yes and when pretty girl pushed on and ask "did you pay him back?" the caller cleverly change the spotlight and go back talking about "the guy who borrowed money from her but has yet to pay her back". What I like about her (the leng lui) is the fact that she’s a very reasonable woman. Women often blame guys for almost everything but never on themselves and when she asked that question to the caller, I knew she is different. We human always see the bad in others but never in ourselves. We always think that we are good enough and we don’t think there’s anything wrong with us. And if there’s something wrong, we’ll blame it on everything else.

And then there was this question from the host that goes "what do you think about good looking guys?" The host says that she would probably not choose good looking guys for some reason (the mandarin was way too fast and my brain didn’t have enough time to decipher it) and then this pretty girl says, "I want good looking guys". She didn’t really mean good looking as in drop dead gorgeous but presentable and easy on the eyes. Which is practically the same with me. I want a girl with a good face and she wants a guy with a good face. Now, if only she thinks I have a good face too. Haha. I’ll test my aunties’ theory and get a few more pounds and then we’ll if I can kill :p

At the end, the host asks, "Has all good men extinct together with the dinosaurs?" and she answered no. Pretty girl said that, you can’t expect too much in looking for a guy. It all has to be natural. Don’t put too much expectations and keep an eye open for possibility and your prince charming will come. Keep a simple expectation and things will fall into place.

And the ending, pretty one says to the host, "There are good men out there because we are all good women". I REALLY love her. Like how Joey would say it, while looking her in the eyes, "Ohh... I love you".

To be really honest, if I know a girl like her, I’d stop at nothing in going after her. I would go out all guns blazing and I never did that before. Well sure she might not be interested in me but what I can say is, even if I got rejected and I crash and burn, she is worth it. She is worth every sweat, blood and pain ;) This shows how much I admire her. And since it’s coming from me, that has to say a lot (yeah, me blowing me own horn :p)

But the thing is, I think she’s around 28. The only chance of finding a girl like her is only possible in women aged around 28 and above. Girls below that age, well... they are still good but I’m still holding out for a girl like her. And based on what I can see, I’m not going to find her at my age so now I’m changing my approach. Instead of finding one, I’m going to make one.

At least I can be happy that I now know for sure there is a girl like her that exists in this world and most importantly, in Malaysia. At least there is still hope for me to get married; otherwise, I might do a George Clooney or Aaron Kwok ;)

posted by [ noodlez ] | [ 2:28 AM ]


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