.: food for soul...

[ Friday, January 14, 2005 ]

new found knowledge

[Just found myself another "knowledge source". But this time, it’s a "clean" one. I mean not those that teach you how to bed a girl in 38 minutes. But the thing with this particular new-found "knowledge source" is the language. I’m not really a fan of this kinda language. I prefer those that use plain and simple English. But still this one a good find. There are 200+ chapters in it and this is just an excerpt from one of the chapters] [This particular "knowledge source" focuses more on the self. Like a spiritual enlightenment thing]

All religions, philosophies, and psychologies agree that love is the key to fulfillment, to security, to creative growth. And yet love cannot be commanded, nor can it be a commandment. It is a free, spontaneous soul movement. The more people try to love as if it were a duty demanded by conscience and obedience, the less does it truly manifest.

Where love exists, there must be fulfillment. Lack of fulfillment is a sure sign that the soul has not yet learned to love.

Where love exists, there must be successful human relationships because in love's presence there is no fear, no distrust, no illusion. Love can flower only on the substantial soil of reality and fearlessness. Where one perceives reality in truth, one does not trust or distrust where it is inappropriate to do so. One accepts the other as he or she is, and adjusts one's own feelings to what the reality is. Then there is no necessity for groping in the dark, fearfully half-trusting, half-distrusting, thrown between one's needs and one's fears.

[If you do not understand the 2 paragraphs below, re-read it again, and for that matter, the paragraphs above too if needed. I’m not really sure what the first misunderstanding means but I get a feeling that I actually have the first misunderstanding.] [But what I want to emphasize here is about the second misunderstanding. Many people just do not realize this. And this creates problems, for themselves and people around them. I actually wanted to re-write everything into a much easier to understand form because it takes a few readings to actually fully get it cause I doubt most of you will take a second glance at it. And the language is actually too nice to make an impact. For people to pay attention, you just got to use the "in your face" approach.] [But for those who really wanna improve, who are flexible enough to acknowledge wisdom from others and not just brush it off because it contradicts with their "beliefs", I hope this could come as something good for you.]

The prohibition against loving comes from two basic misunderstandings. The first is misinterpretation of reality, in other words, illusion. Illusion produces confusion along with a host of negative emotions such as fear, hostility, separateness, self-pity, ambivalence, and vindictiveness. These emotions make love impossible. It is unthinkable when your innermost concepts, perceptions, and value systems are in accordance with reality that you could be afraid of loving.

The second misunderstanding is the underestimation of the self and the consequent inferiority feelings. This may sound almost paradoxical. Superficially viewed, it certainly seems possible to think little of oneself without impairing one's ability to love. And yet, my friends, this is not so. For in the moment you underestimate yourself you cannot possibly perceive the other person as real. By dint of your feelings of helpless weakness and inadequacy, others assume the role of giants against whom you defend yourself. This may take the form of rejecting, resenting, or despising them, but not then does it occur to you to sense the other's vulnerability and human needs. The other's strengths and weaknesses become distorted and discolored. Both come to represent elements hostile to you personally. Therefore your underestimation of yourself forces you into a hostile role, no matter how this is camouflaged by outer submissiveness which, in itself, may appear as lovingness. When you think so little of yourself you do not evaluate the importance of your actions and reactions.

[This one is from another source, a clean source. One of my favourites]
"Your intelligence did not change at the moment you realized that Santa Clause was a harmless fantasy. Your math and verbal skills stayed the same, but your awareness increased. You were suddenly aware that even stories from credible sources -- in this case your parents -- could be completely made up. And from the moment of that realization, you could never see the world the same way because your awareness of reality changed." [We believe in what we were made to believe as we grow up. I was made to believe as a kid that if I swallow some orange seeds, my head might grow an orange tree. It takes knowledge to be aware, yes, but if one refuse to acknowledge without any reasonable doubts, then it makes no difference. I could have just believed in my mom’s words and still think that my head will grow a tree if I swallow orange seeds. If I’m un-flexible, I could have argued that my mom would never lie to me. And yes, at one point, I’ll have enough knowledge to realize that it’s impossible for me to grow a tree on my head and then the next question would be, "why did my mom lied to me?" And that would still cause some problems if I did not understand why she "lied". Knowledge is not enough, awareness is the key. My mom says what she said because she wanted me to be more careful while eating fruits with seeds since most seeds are indigestible and that I could actually choke on it. Knowledge is in knowing that it’s impossible to grow a tree on my head and awareness is in understanding why my mom "lied" to me. Knowledge is what you read, what people tell you. Awareness is much more than that. Awareness comes from within and no one can teach you that but you]

"Awareness is about UNLEARNING. It is the recognition that you don't know as much as you thought you knew." [Ego (bad ego, there are good and bad egos) prevents such recognition. Try telling someone that what they believe all this while is wrong and that they have been living their life believing in something false. As an example, try telling the Christians and Muslims that there is no God or Allah (not trying to discriminate but Buddhism is a teaching, not religion and they don’t believe in one God and that’s why I didn’t include it). Flexible people will acknowledge such opinion (agreeing with it or not is a whole other thing) but the un-flexible would probably just kill you or convert you.] [Tell a guy that chasing after women is actually a wrong move. Tell him that women do not like to be chased. Tell him that giving gifts, compliments and everything will make no difference in regards of her interest in him. Tell him that he should not call a girl the very next day he got her number. Tell him that he should wait at least 3 days before calling. Most guys do not have self-control and they just won’t listen. You can only tell a person so much, and the rest if up to them]

[Kinda sakit hati right now. I used to be damn rich in neopets.com and then they deleted my account because they say I cheated. And I DID NOT cheat. And recently I created a new account, first thing I did was to go gamble in hopes to strike the jackpot. And now I am broke, again. Melle, I want money! I need money to gamble! Hehe. I think I’ve lost 10K gambling already]

posted by [ noodlez ] | [ 2:28 AM ]


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