.: food for soul...

[ Sunday, January 09, 2005 ]

sagittarian love story...

[Same thing, bold and bracket = me. The rest = article]

Love, romance and relationship don't all go together quite as well as we might imagine. Romance, in particular, doesn't have that much to do with love or relationship... even when you happen to be a deeply romantic Sagittarian. [I can't argue with that. Sagittarians are indeed very romantic and intriguing but problem is they just don't simply show it. Like how Forrest Gump put it; it's like a box of chocolate, you never know when you'll see the chocolate (ok, I paraphrased it). Sagittarians don't usually put their best feet forward (in this matter). Sagittarians are humble people and they don't like to show off even when they have all the right to do so. So most of the time, Sagittarians save the best for last. They save the best for those who deservedly enough able to see through it and reap the reward, to put it in a way]

You have wonderful visions that you want to reach for and fulfill. You love to imagine what might be achievable and then to reach for it. But in the process, you sometimes end up undervaluing and underestimating the importance of what has already been achieved. [I guess this is true. And this brings me back to Alexander (saw a National Geographic documentary on him today). He really did undervalue what he already achieved and he shouldn't have gone to Asia. He should have gone back to Babylon first. When you see too far ahead and too eager, you often see with tunnel vision, oblivious to what that is already there for you]

To you, romance is about adventure, and adventure isn't always something that sits well within relationships. Interdependency can challenge the desire for independence. That, as you have discovered on several occasions lately, can produce problems. [Everything about Sagittarians is adventure. They didn't depict Sagittarian as a horse (half house) for nothing. And from what I read (I did not make this up myself, so please don't call me perasan) Sagittarians are the best male partner to be with. And for female, it's Gemini girls.] [True to its kind, a horse, Sagittarians don't really settle down that easily BUT if you can make them settle, they will stay loyal to you. A dog never bites the hand that feeds him and so does a horse will never leave his owner/master. It's not in a Sagittarian for him to do anything bad on purpose. We Sagittarians are good people *laugh*, and not to mention sometimes stupidly loyal]

You very much enjoy the opportunity to relate and to be close to somebody, yet that need to express yourself so spontaneously is a crucial part of who you are. So, you keep dreaming that one day someone will see exactly what it is that you need and that you in turn will be able to understand what they need and all those tense misunderstandings will just become a thing of the past. [I really like what the article say about this one. Like I said earlier, Sagittarians do not like to show off and the same goes to expressing their feelings (but that doesn't mean they don't care). You just gotta know that, sometimes, some things go without saying. You just got to feel it, with your heart, or with your hand if you must ;)]

...you keep dreaming that one day someone will see exactly what it is that you need... [I was stunned when I see this. Honest to goodness, this is the exact same thought that I have. Like what Rupert (from Survivor All-Stars) said about his wife, "She is the only one who sees through me". Sagittarians just won't go round saying, "I want it like this, I want it like that". It just doesn't work that way for Sagittarians, which is why some feels that it's hard to be with a Sagittarian for the long haul even though it's a blast being with him. Sagittarians need someone who can see thru them and know what they need without them telling. This may sound too much work and stupid or selfish perhaps, but that's just the price you gotta give if you want a horse. Here horsie horsie ... here kitty kitty. Hehe]

Now, that's a romantic view if ever I heard one, but I'm not here to tell you that it can't be fulfilled. It can. [Of coz it can be fulfilled! I am counting on that. Hehe]

But in order to fulfill it, you have to stop looking for the truly impossible and ask yourself how close you may have already come to just such an idyll? [Sagittarians want perfection. Hehe. But try look at it this way. If you already have a Sagittarian by your side and that can only mean one thing; you are PERFECT in his/her eyes. And there is NOTHING more flattering than that. Hehe. And my sweet talk skill is getting better ;) And you Sagittarians can thank me later]

The newly-discovered planet Sedna, from her powerful position in the sixth house of your solar chart, now urges you to focus on something preoccupying, overwhelming and overpowering that, prior to now, you have been prone to see as a big obstacle to happiness. This thing is hypnotizing you to some extent. Yet, actually, it needs to be taken less seriously. And the good within it needs to be acknowledged. [I really have to give it to this guy. The stuffs he writes are frighteningly accurate. I know all this is just a matter of perception but when I read the other signs, I don't feel anything and it didn't even come close. I don't know how to explain this paragraph but he did got it right. There were things that are holding me back in my mind. Things that blocked me from even trying. Sigh.]

Just remember that, each time an awkward issue arises in the coming year, and all the love you need will yet rather magically find its way to you. [Sure hope that's the case :) Maybe Polly will come along, hence "Along Came Polly"]

[Help, I can't stop lying. I've turned into a compulsive liar. Help me! Hehe :p]

[Aren't they just adorable? :) Like I said, some things go without saying. You don't really have to say IT to actually mean IT. That's the higher level of communication. Communication that comes from mutual understanding, trust, honesty, sincerity, and all the ty-ty you can think of]

[Calvin would really make a great Sagittarian]

posted by [ noodlez ] | [ 7:38 AM ]


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