.: food for soul...

[ Sunday, January 09, 2005 ]


[When I first finish reading this, I was totally astounded. This was published in today's - 6th January - Malay Mail. And this is by far the most accurate astrology review that I've ever read] [Those in bold and brackets are my words and the rest are from the article]

In the story of Sedna, the ancient inuit ocean goddess. Whose name has been given to the newly-discovered planet at the edge of our solar system, there's a tale of betrayal and deception, of loyalty and dedication, and of learning to produce positivity, even from life's most severe hardship. [I'm not really sure what this really means but I guess it meant that "what that doesn't kill you will only make you stronger." And I am still breathing]

Duty also enters into the story – just as it has entered your story in the year since that planet first turned up in the part of your chart that governs obligation to others. Just look at your life at the moment. [My life at the moment? The year started off bad but it's getting good. It felt different now... It felt nice. It felt like I'm in chocolate. Sticky. Hehe :p]

Consider the number of sacrifices you seem to be making and the amount you are putting up with, simply because you care so much about doing the right thing in a stressful situation. [What more can I say? Misery from sacrifice, and all because I care (which I really do care). Too much conscience may not be a good thing after all]

That situation won't vanish overnight in 2005, but it will become a lot less stressful, as you begin to grow a lot more powerful. [This is indeed the year for growing up. Yeah, and I'll be learning on how to let loose on me conscience too. Sometimes a man's greatest enemy is himself. You got it right. I have been too hard on myself. Thanks :)]

You already know that you have strengths in areas where a lot of people have weaknesses. You are aware, too, that some of this works in your favor and some works against you. [Knowledge is power. But sometimes knowing too much will just hurt you. I know things that I want more people to know because I believe it would do good to everyone and the world if they were to just know what I know. But the difficulty to actually get my "knowledge" out to the masses is really frustrating. And I end up with a burden from this frustration coz I care too much. This is the main reason why I started to blog. To ease the burden on my chest]

You have even been known to wonder whether some of your greatest gifts might actually be punishments. [I feel like crying now. *sob*sob* Finally someone understands how I felt all this while] [This could just possibly be how King Midas might have felt when he was granted with the Golden Midas Touch.]

But this is all perfectly natural. With power comes responsibility. With power, too, comes the potential for loss of power. [A quota from Tony Montana in Scarface: "you gotta make the money first. Then when you get the money, you get the power. Then when you get the power, then you get the women." And it's true. Tony lost everything in the end because he has too much power. Same goes to Alexander. Never underestimate a man's (your own) greed]

That's why many powerful people try to avoid things they don't want to face or to operate only within area where they feel safe. You, though, can't ever live in fear of anyone or anything. So it is precisely because you are due to become so much more powerful in 2005 that you now need to go to the very extremes of your current power and discover where it turns to weakness. [I guess it practically means that I shouldn't think too much about the consequences of my actions since I got to know what's my limit. But I guess I'll be fine. I could always get by with my charm. Hehe. It'll be more reading, taking more chances, less worrying of what would happen, and gun for it. Well, of coz not membabi buta like that. Got to use some brain also rite? ;)]

Think of yourself as a great ruler being taken to the edges of your empire and shown the encroaching threat from other forces so you can truly understand: "Here's what you should let go of, here's what you must protect and here's where you can advance." [If only Alexander knew, he would be been greater than greatest. He only knows where to advance and he made mistakes in what he should have protected and let go of, at least in the movie it seems that way. Be my own God and now I have my own empire. Hehe :p. For this New Year, I've let go of stuffs. And I now know I should protect myself more and I should grow up to advance. Man, I now sound like a child getting toilet trained for the first time]

Tomorrow, we'll look at what your love life has in stores. [Make sure there's something good in store for me in my love life. I don't want to be a king without a queen. Although I'll settle for concubines and mistresses for the time being. Hehe]

Meanwhile, if you feel apprehensive about 2005, that's as it should be. The year brings one of the biggest opportunities of your entire life! [Interestingly, this is the year of chicken and I am a chicken. Ok, tat didn't come out right. I'm gonna make this work! By all means I'm gonna make this one right!!!]

[No song for this one but lately I've been listening to a lot of Jacky Cheung's songs. All nice songs. Of all Chinese singers, he has the best voice. And yeah, I ... ermmmm .... lied again. But it's a good lie. If I hadn't lied you won't be reading this either rite?]

posted by [ noodlez ] | [ 5:38 AM ]


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