.: food for soul...

[ Saturday, January 22, 2005 ]

ordo ab chao

I think I’ve established myself as someone who got something to say about everything. Well, not really everything in its literal sense but everything in the context of everything that’s opposite of what I believe. I say what I say and I write what I write because that’s what I believe in and I’m not conditioned to repress my thought just because it goes against the normal norm of what the general masses believe (we are all aliens actually, a hybrid of Martians with ancient human. Hehe)

Usually people will think of those people who go against the establishment as someone who got nothing better to do, for example like those "penunjuk perasaan", green peace, "parti pembangkang", etc. People like this are not bitter nor do they have any issues. They just think different and most important of all; they are just trying to raise a discussion.

Hardly anyone questioned our government why they spend RM20 Million on the stupid "Tak Nak" smoking campaign when they continuously ignore the more important need of sex education in schools as well as the lack of actions in curbing incest and rape and AIDS. Everyone just seem to be content with the way it is until when something happen to them and they’ll start yelling "injustice!!!" That’s just how we are, we’ll just sit there and look at someone’s misfortune and not do anything and when something happens to us, we’ll start bitching. But I do commend those who helped out in the tsunami relief work but to those who send in rubbish, empty tins, used up bra and panties to the relief center, may you get what you deserve.

I believe there’s something to be learn from everyone and I too believe there’s a thing or 2 that I can share. I think I’ve said this before, I’m no better than any of you, I’m just as good. I keep neither a closed nor a loose mind and I accept and acknowledge anybody's opinion. Whether I agree with the opinion or not, now that’s another thing. I do respect a good strong opinion even if it's completely opposed to my own. Some may not feel that way because I'm going to defend my own opinion quite emphatically but would you really want someone to have an opinion and not completely defend it?

I’ve never wrote anything out of bitterness. Frustration, yes, bitterness, no. Me blunt writer, and if I’m writing out of bitterness, it will show. I’m not making a statement, just merely trying to raise a discussion and awareness (by making statements actually, but that depends on how one sees it) And I don’t believe in being politically correct. I find that to be a little on the fake side. Double meaning statements and beating around the bush do not work because some ignorant people will just pretend and take the politically correct meaning of it. The truth is hard to take (believe me, it’s hard and sometimes, it hurts) but it’s better than living a lie.

Nothing limits people’s potential to express their true selves more than fear. And fear kills more people than anything else.

And yeah, another reason why I blabber so much is that I don’t fancy being misunderstood. I don’t mind if I’m being misunderstood as a genius or a jackass but being misunderstood for the reason why I do what I do, that’s a little hard to take. It hurts my feelings *sob*sob*. Everything I say and do come from the heart and it’s genuine. I’m not trying to prove anybody wrong; I have no right to do that. I just want there to be more awareness. We are bigger than we think we are and it’s sad that so many people are socialized to believe otherwise. The will be no war when soldiers refuse to lift a gun anymore.

And no, it’s nothing you said, me just running out of ideas on what to write so I took your opinion and make a "story" out of it ;) It doesn’t matter what others think of me, I don’t get bothered by that anymore but I’m still a little hurt by that comparison of yours. Don’t wanna friend you ledi. I go tell my mommy you hurt my feelings *uwaaaa*. Hehe, this is stupid.

As long as I can still write craps here, I’d be happy enough. But I’d be happier if I can find peace. I know world peace is too much to ask so I’d just settle for inner peace. Can I get that from yoga? Or do I need to go up a mountain top and meditate for 9 years? Or maybe I should stop whining so much? Yeah, maybe I whine too much. Well, who cares.

A good general knows how to win a battle, and he too knows when it’s impossible to win.

What you want in peace, you get it from war.

Ordo ab chao.

posted by [ noodlez ] | [ 6:28 AM ]


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