story of a boy: itchy arse
Comments were originally posted on the previous post, story of a boy. Wasn't actually planning on writing this one but my bontot gatal (itchy arse) so here is it *grin*
Hmmms, I guess I have to be really careful when messaging you next time.. who knows u might just end up posting my msgs on your blogsite.
I was actually planning to send you an email for this, but heck, you’ll just end up posting it here anyways, so I guess I’ll just save you the hassles and post it here instead..
Btw, this is ‘Anonymous’, nice name you got me there, next time, put something nice like Noelle, Isabelle or Joelle yahs.. Anonymous is just plain boring..
Anyways, you were so right, I did smile and laughed to myself when reading you post.. It was indeed worth the wait..
It was like a walk down the memory lane when I was reading your story.. it brought me back to the time when we were still young, naïve and care-free.. That story of yours made me realized what a selfish and ignorant bitch I was at that time *noticed the past tense ‘was’ – Im a changed person now :) .. [yeah, right]* I guess I owe you a big ‘thank you’ as well.. for being there for me all those time.. and for letting me experienced how a 5-stars Sim Tower would look like.. :p
“Girl was still a little drowsy and girl says "ohhh… if like that then I'm going to have 1 less guy going after me la". Girl was giggling while saying that (apparently girl is still a little intoxicated) and boy just smiled on the phone.” <-- Did this actually happen? Jeez, I’m really really sorry.. It must be the alchohol!! I swear it was definitely the alchohol.. :p “First date? Hmm… I guess I’d take you to Starbucks, or maybe Coffee Bean for coffee. If you can’t take coffee then it’ll be Dome” + “maybe I can buy you a cup of teh o ais limau whenever you're free. That's the least I could do to say thank you and I do owe you that *grin*” For a first date with an unknown girl, you can take her to Starbucks, Coffee Bean or Dome, and to thank a friend u have known for 5 yrs, u simply decided to buy her a cuppa teh o ais limau.. WHAT IS THIS MAN?! Damn, u really gotta repent a little here …. “For me, it's writing things out to everyone. Until the day I can find someone to talk to, writing will just have to do.” <-- if you continue to just write your blogs @ home everyday and not going out to meet more friends, you will never find the ‘someone’ u are looking for .. *smiles* That's it.. Cheerios, (for the last time)dearie *winks*
Ok la, my bad. I shouldn’t have posted your message on my blog. I’m sorry. Sigh, I just can’t seem to get rid the habit of saying sorry to you… ;p
You owe me nothing but I owe everything to you. Fate ran out on us but the black string is going to stay on my wrist for a long time. You may think that you WERE a selfish and ignorant b*tch but to me you are always that cute-little-tak-tau-malu girl that took advantage of me with your silly little hand trick *chuckle* [the one where you cross your hands and ask me to hold your palms and try to get both hands parallel] But admit it, my hands were soft right? Hehe :p
As for the Sim Tower thing, you knew I cheated on it right? I’ve got a 3 level lobby where you only got 1. You can’t really blame me for cheating, boy needed to win to get a second shot… ;)
It’s actually the alcohol that makes all the difference. Kids and drunks are the only honest people. At least I was sure that you were honest when you say that. So the moral of the story here is, if you are drunk, don’t call a boy ;p
Man, you are hard to please, just like the old days *chuckle* Ok la, ice tea with vanilla syrup at Starbucks. Better now? But I thought you like teh o ais limau… or was it limau ais? Sigh, I’m getting old.
[…and not going out to meet more friends, you will never find the ‘someone’ u are looking for…] Finding that someone is going to be hard. I mean, no one compares to you. I could find a lot of girls better than you but finding those as good as you is going to be hard… hehe :p I mean where am I suppose to find a girl that broke a ring I gave her and then went and bought another one then give it to me to wear for a week before giving her back and then broke it again (read slowly for better understanding). Technically, you still owe me at least a ring. I mean since when the bride has got 3 rings and the groom still has none? Hehe… ok, that was a bad one, ignore it :p
And how I am suppose to find a girl that will mix her chilly and pepper like a pile of crap while eating her McDonald fries? Wait, was it you or was it the pooh bear? Hmm… ok, I think I got this wrong. And where am I going to find a girl who could come up with the name “delidiazz” for my neopet? Btw, my neopet account got frozen, sakit hati only. But the bottom line here is it ain’t going to be easy finding someone like you. [Man, I am getting good at making women happy… I mean complimenting women :p]
I know you told me not to reply but I think I’m addicted to the habit of saying sorry to you so I needed to come up with a reason to say sorry. Hehe… so here goes, I’m sorry for replying although you told me not to ;p Truth is, I stop apologizing for being myself to anyone but for you, I’ll make an exception. I know you hated it when I used to keep saying sorry to you but it’s kinda fun seeing you get mad once a while. You look prettier when you get mad *wink*
Most women love to change a man, be it consciously or sub-consciously. So Anonymous (I still prefer this ;p), I’m actually a living walking compliment to you. You did manage to change at least one. It’s the biggest compliment that I could ever give you. But I guess me telling you that you look much more beautiful now would mean a lot more to you right?... I just know you too well *grin*
You told me not to reply because that would make you want to reply back. So now listen to me, DO NOT REPLY. If you do reply then I’ll have to spank you… erm, I mean delete you reply (Sorry bout the spanking part, it’s the coffee talking, honest *hehe*)
You have finished reading so PRESS ALT + F4. NOW!!!
Anonymous leng lui, I told you to press ALT + F4, so you aren’t supposed to be reading this, so now PRESS ALT + F4!
This actually came in right before I was ready to post this piece.
Holy shit! Your sob story is exactly like MY sob story...i didn't even notice that your name is Ed.....and the even stranger thing was that his name was Ed....*eery music*..but the most wierdest thing was that he sent me that "sometimes love just aint enough" song too...the band thing is cute....never known a guy to wear soo many *bands* before though...*gawkz*
You guys are cute huh...the way you guys talk to each other..maybe you guys should have another round of sim towers or maybe the sims and see whether your characters get together in the end...ehehhehe...and if they do get together then you guys can get would be like a fairytale ending :D...would be a shame for you guys to just let it go like that... seems like you guys share something...or maybe I'm just too much of a romantic fool hahaha but i do hope you guys get together in the end!! good luck *crosses fingers*
Well, I don’t really go by the name ed in real life. I just use it for filling forms on the internet since both letters are neighbors on the keyboard. Yeah, me still waiting for people to give me more “bands” *grin*. Me got tired of making it these days.
I’m probably going to win if there were to be another round of Sim Tower or The Sims. I mean, put everything aside, how am I going to lose to a girl in a computer game? We are talking about my pride as a boy here… hehe :p
Like you already know, “there’s a reason why people don’t stay where they are, baby sometimes love just ain’t enough” … I think you’ve probably freaked her out with your suggestion. At least that might probably deter her from replying (and btw, why are you still reading? you wanna kena spank izzit? (it’s the coffee, really!)).
You are not a romantic fool, you are just a girl. Tell me which girl who does not fancy a real life fairytale ending like the Cinderella story or Runaway Bride or Sweet Home Alabama for themselves? Anonymous has got tons of guys going after her now, so lets not spoil that for her *grin* But I’ll let you slot in thou, fancy a run in “A Knight’s Tale”? Hehe… just kidding.
Thanks for the “good luck” and the crossed fingers. Maybe you can get ed (your ed) to read this whole thing. You could have a fairytale ending of your own. Nothing is umpossible *wink*
Leng lui anonymous, before I spank you (man, I really have to stop drinking so much coffee), you better press ALT + F4 now. Stop doing anything; don’t even breathe… just press ALT + F4. *hehe… this is stupid but at least I am smiling :p*
Jeez, that was long.. :)
Anyways.. a bit disclaimer here from my side..
I'm not tak-tau-malu okay.. I was only speaking the truth.. *aherms aherms* and by that, I meant, I memang cantik, not tak-tau-malu wanna mengaku cantik :p *okies.. just j/k*
Is it very difficult for u to follow simple instructions? I thought we're already eye to eye on the no-more-replies issues.. *sigh*
Anyways, just wanna keep things short.. I believe if I continue replying ur posts, u'll just end up replying them back.. So I guess I'll just stop here.. :)
P.s: I believe you would have notice by now that this whole comment thingie is completely meaningless and that the reason for its existence is simply because the author disproves of it.. ;)
No-ni.. :)
Anonymous, at September 20, 2004 at 11:36 AM
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