girls chasing guys
Saw this show on the telly yesterday, Eve’s Diary. Hosted by a girl name Cleo. I really have to say she is really cute and bubbly. But anyway, the content of show was about girls making the first move in relationship. Meaning girls doing the initiation.
All of the viewers they interviewed said that it’s ok for girls to initiate things first except for this one girl. This particular girl said that things should be as the way it was that men should do the initiation first. I can really tell that this girl has got low self-esteem. She’s a little plus size and not really what you’d call attractive. So I guess I could see where she’s coming from with her opinion. (I meant that in a good way)
But then again, for those who actually said that they agree that it’s ok for women to initiate things first, I really doubt it that they would actually go and DO IT. Women are really good in knowing what to say to make them look good but not doing what they say they would. They talk the talk but the hardly walk the walk *grin*
The only reason why women would prefer to have guys going after them rather than the other way round is because they are scared. They are scared of rejections. In being in the receiving end of numerous courtship attempts from guys, women have the choice to “choose”. If she doesn’t like this one, reject, if she thinks this one might have some potentials then she’d continue giving mixed signals to keep him around (mixed signals is a very powerful tool coz she could always blame it on the guy for misunderstanding when a girl decides to cut him off) and continue doing so until she finally finds her man that she wants.
But if a girl were to does the chasing first, then she’d lose all her powers. She’d be vulnerable to rejections. It’d be like walking on thin ice. And women don’t handle rejections well. The best a woman would do is to drop subtle hints at the guy and hopes that he “get it” but chances are, the guy might just be confused. Like I said, mixed signals are like a double edge sword. It could be good news and it could be bad news. Men are easily confused creature and we CAN'T read mind. And in general, men tend to fall for the [keeping-you-for-stand-by] (see above) mixed signals rather than the [legit-really-interested] mixed signals. The legit mixed signals are often rather shy and more subtle compared to the other kind of mixed signals which are more often direct and bold
If a girl really likes a guy, then just go for it. Rejection is part of the game. You don’t play tennis and not expect to be hit by the ball at least once. Actually, what’s the big deal in getting rejected? It doesn’t mean you are not good or anything. It's just that he doesn't find you interesting enough but that's his choice. You buy Pokemon instead of Digimon because you don’t find Digimon to be interesting enough for you but is Digimon going to cry because of your choice? No, because they know there are bound to be someone who knows how to appreciate Digimon. And there are bound to be someone who would appreciate you and find you interesting for who you are. You just need to keep trying (or holding on). Do not let this kinda rejections bring you down. It ain't worth it.
Same goes to guys who cry and beg and stuffs after being rejected by a girl. By doing all these sissy stuffs, the girl would actually lose all respect she has for you. If you were to take it like a man and be gentleman enough in accepting her decision, at least she would have had more respect for you. You’ve already lost the girl; you don’t want to lose your dignity and pride with it too.
The truth is, a lot of guys want to be chased for a change. Women these days are more empowered than ever so what’s wrong with taking charge for a change (and I mean that once a while not forever). Guy loves girl to send them flowers and then call him out and buy him dinner out of the blue. Sweep the guy's feet for a change. Reserve the roles for one night. Men love that.
Btw, I read this one in CLEO, if a girl asks a guy out (1 on 1, boy and girl only), is that a statement of intent? Does that mean the girl is interested in the guy? I mean, can’t a girl ask a guy out just for fun? Maybe for coffee or movie, as friends and nothing serious? Does it really have to mean that if a girl asked a guy out then the girl must have a crush on him or a little infatuated? Is it true that only when a girl is interested in a guy that only then she would ask a guy out for movie of coffee? (subtle hint perhaps?)
Back to main story, but then there’s actually a danger in women making the first move thou. Guys suck at rejecting women. If a girl likes him, then chances are he’ll be happy in jumping in but then after a while it will all turn sour because he doesn’t really like her in the first place. It all happens because most guys aren’t really good at rejecting (or should I say, rejecting a good proposition). And the fact that a girl is presenting herself in a silver platter makes it even harder to resist the temptation of the moment.
So my personal opinion is that, women should go and chase guys too but don’t take rejection personally. It’s just part of the game. Guys get rejected too (even more). Some guys got burned really badly but that doesn’t seem to stop them from trying. If you like a guy, go after him or let him know. And if he rejects you then so what? It doesn’t mean a shit. It’s his choice and there’s nothing you can do about it. If he rejects you in a manly polite way, then you (still) got a new friend (given that you can get over him) and if he did it the jackass way then he ain’t a keeper anyway. It’s a win-win.
Sometimes a person needs to go thru 99 rejections before finding the “good” one. Don’t take rejections personally, enjoy it.
I don't know if guys could take it if girls do the chasing...hehe. I did not actually go after any guys before, but sometimes I feel that guys just enjoy the chasing process rather than the commitment.And when they get the girl, it's the end of the game. And look for another new target.I'm not trying to generalize on all the male, but some of my guy friends prone to behave this way...
Kii, at September 14, 2004 at 1:57 PM
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