i got "screen-ed"
This is actually one of the reply mails I’ve got from a girl (obviously) in ahmoi.com. Pretty interesting I have to say. So I decided to post it up here the reply I wrote for her reply mail. Those in normal font are from her mail and those in bold are my reply. And btw, I’ve got her consent to post this since she’s already replied, so I’m no jackass who post mails sent to me for no reasons *grin*
p/s: I actually merged both mails into 1 in order to save space and because it's actually the smart thing to do
hi there...
before i start anything here, i'd like to judge myself on your personality... i'm looking for someone who could bring me around KL since i'm new here.... sorry, i won't give out my phone number to anyone as a matter of fact... this is not my primary e-mail, once I choose the person i want to be friends with, i'll give you my real e-mail address and cell number...i've been hurt a few times but not regretted but i don't want to be hurt this time.... hence, the screening process.... you can lie all you want, but in the end, like i say, i'm the judge and i have the last say....
my requirements of a friend is not too high... i just need someone whom i can talk to and make me laugh, therefore i don't care if you aren't that good looking cuz i believe that good look comes from within...age isn't a concern...i don't care the numbers... you can be 40 and still act like a 16 year old and vice versa...
i) speaks above average english with a strictly NO "...la" accents... writing is okay..
ii) can tell jokes/stories in english
iii) high self-esteem and caring
iv) not a sex-maniac
v) hate receiving "copy paste" e-mails especially without addressing my name...my name's *****, not *********, *******, *******, lady, pretty girl, darling....etc (name has been changed to protect author’s identity, and for me not being an arse *grin*)
if you are any of the above, you may well stop reading it...no point reading any further...thank you
to those who passed the first hurdle with your expert lies, here's where i'll judge you...
here's what i like to do, a few open ended questions... be honest please, take it from me as a HINT!
here goes..
1) they say money is the measure of your success since everyone's an engineer and a manager... what car and model do you drive? -->
[Does it really gives you a glimpse of what kinda person a guy is by knowing what kinda car he drives? I thought your requirements for a friend is not high. It really baffles me when you actually asked for what kinda car he drives in your very first question. But anyway, I know it’s a question so here’s my answer. I drive a modified BMX (it’s not a typo, I really do mean BMX) with a double front hook suspension and a metallic body, a light body alloy and a metallic chain. And yeah, I got a black bicycle chain bracelet to go with it too. And you could stop reading now if you want since I guess BMW is the answer you were hoping for from the start. But still please do me a favor, continue reading, I don’t write all this for waste ;) ]
2) on the first date with me, what would you do? Where would you take me? -->
[First date? Hmm… I guess I’d take you to Starbucks, or maybe Coffee Bean for coffee. If you can’t take coffee then it’ll be Dome. Since it’s a first date, I won’t take much of your time. 30 minutes or 45 minutes max. If it turns out to be a good date, 30 minutes is enough, otherwise, 30 minutes is long. Incase you think I’m cheap; I just don’t bring people to somewhere fancy on a first date. I don’t buy my way into a girl, that’s insulting to a girl, don’t you think? As a friend, Coffee Bean is good enough. And we’d go Dutch with that too.]
3) when you meet a girl, what attributes do you take into account and what strikes you frenzy? -->
[When I first meet a girl, I’d see what kinda first question she’d asks. If her first question is "what kinda car you drive?" then I guess I know what’s her true intention or at least I know how she base her judgment on man. There’s an old adage "a woman’s body is her destiny" so if I were to ask a girl I first met "what cup size is your bra?" do you think I could get away with it? You judge a man with the size of his car (wallet) so I guess me judging a girl with the size of her breast is just as fair. *grin*
Ok, back to the question. What strikes me frenzy about a girl? Can hold up her hair with a pencil. Have a spirit of independence but doesn’t make a man of her life feel unnecessary. Are sexy and smart at the same time – for example, doing a crossword puzzle wearing a pair of flirty pajamas (with a pencil holding up her hair *grin). And like what you said earlier, high self-esteem. Bubbly helps too. And no girl power stuffs.]
4) i like rap, without searching the net, tell me what is slick rick and doug e fresh? -->
[How would you know if I’m (or all the others for that matter) not going to search the net and get the answers? I don’t fancy rap and I don’t fancy hip hop, so I really do not know. Mommy taught me to be honest, especially to girls ;). And btw, how does this related to you "screening" for a friend? Forgive me if this sounds rude but isn’t this a bit superficial? I admit it’s an interesting question but it’s just seems… superficial to me. Well, maybe you have your own reasons. Rock on! *grin*]
5) if you were given a chance to dress me up, how would that be? -->
[Hmm… playing dress up. You are one naughty girl *chuckle*. First I’d tied up your hair into 2 buns on each side, like sailormoon. There’d be make up, Loreal Sheer Cashmere for the perfect foundation and to hide your flaws *wink*. Then striking red blushes on both cheeks. Blue eye liner on the underside of the eyes with white on the upper side. And then red lipstick like how the traditional Japanese women like to put. Small lips are cute. Like a small version of a piggy nose… what a sight.
Dress sense… we start from below. Shoes will be a pair of silver color construction boots (like phua chu kang’s but silver not yellow) but cut it off from the ankle’s length. We don’t want to hide your lovely legs *wink*. Then a pair of black fishnet with a knee length bell shape skirt, something like an umbrella (not sure what you woman call that). The shirt will be a green sleeveless blouse with big pink dots on it. And for good measures, we’ll throw in some sparkles on your eyes for extra "electricity". Btw, there are no undergarments included. We’ll go commando with this *grin*
Now that’s how I would dress you up. In fact, all women show dress up like that. I mean women these days are boring. Black mini skirt and white baby tube and that’s it. *sigh*]
6) in just one word, what best describes you? And why.. -->
[A-genius-who-got-nothing-better-to-do-than-replying-to-this-kinda-questions. Technically, that’s one word. So why am I a genius who got nothing better to do than replying to this kinda question? Well, I guess I really do have nothing better to do. But people do like to say that I am sweet (they tasted my before), sensitive (I read cleo), charming and everything nice. I’m not trying to brag but what they say do make sense. I AM all that *chuckle*]
7) what do you think of homo marriages? -->
[On a more serious note: I don’t see anything wrong with homo marriages but under 1 condition. They should not have kids or I mean adopt one. The general populations in this world are not ready yet in accepting the reality of same sex marriage. If they (gay/lesbian) were to get a kid, their kid will have to go thru a dreadful experience growing up. They’ll get teased and laughed at school, kids are innocent, and they speak the truth. A kid raised by 2 men will most probably grow up not being able to relate to women and vice versa. A kid needs the best of both worlds. Same sex marriage, yes. Same sex marriage with kids, no.]
8) Are you a filial son? if so, how so? -->
[Whether I am a filial son or not, my parents know best. So why don’t you come on over and ask them yourselves? If a prodigal son was to tell you that he is a filial son, then how would you know which is true? I know you could always give him the benefits of the doubt but should you? So as for whether I am a filial son or not, I don’t think I am the best person to answer that question coz the answer from me for that question will always be a sincere true yes :)]
9) why should i choose you to be my friend? -->
[I’m not going to give you a "because…" I bet you are a smart girl or at least you do sound like one so I’m pretty sure you know what is best for you. What I personally think is, everyone should choose me to be their friend *wink* Not for I am better than anyone but for I am just as good as anyone. And since the fact that I am pretty bored these days, I could really use a friend to amuse me *grin* But I really doubt it that you’d read till this far. You’ve probably deleted this after you saw the word BMX. Or like the line "you had me at hello" in Jerry McGuire, for this particular version it would be "I lost you at BMX"]
10) what does the meaning underlying this "i do the best i know how, the very best i can...and i mean to keep on doing it to the end....if the end brings me out all right, what is said against me will not amount to anything...if the end brings me out wrong, ten angels swearing i was right would not make no difference? -->
[No regrets. At the end of the day, you have only yourself to answer to. Do what that pleases you, not what that pleases others. Angels swearing, devils smiling do not mean a shit. When you triumph, it’s yours. When you fall, it’s yours too. Everything is yours and yours only. Btw, nice one :)]
...thank you for your patience...i truely appreciate it and you'll be rewarded with my friendship if that is what you're looking for....
you will hear from me if i'm interested, if not... please do not regret what you did/said...live without regrets!
~as water reflects a face, so a man's heart reflects the man~
[A reflection of face on water is obvious but a man’s heart? You never know]
There is this one thing that I do like about this girl. Her live life with no regrets attitude. I’m not sure if she really does live by it or just saying it but it’s kinda interesting. And I do believe one thing that people who really do live life without regrets are generally very happy people.
And btw, people who do not believe in regrets are not ignorant. Here’s a quote from Laura Wolfe that I REALLY like. I only stumble upon this quote recently but I’ve been saying the exact same thing for a long long time now :)
"I do not believe in regret because I cannot change what has already happened. But what I can do is learn."
I got to know this site from u in an email thru Ahmoi. Sorry i didn't reply u there, but i just wanna tell u this is a great blog. Keep it up! I'll b reading it often.
Anonymous, at September 13, 2004 at 12:36 AM
good one u've got there...i enjoyed reading..
regards by po2
Anonymous, at September 13, 2004 at 5:18 PM
This is very hilarious. I have mix feeling for this ahmoi of yours. Hope you get a date, genius...LOL...
Kii, at September 14, 2004 at 12:00 AM
hi valium, lexhooi here. i guess there really are girls like that in the world. holy &**#! the questions are more difficult to answer than a miss world pageant. good luck man.
Anonymous, at September 14, 2004 at 12:39 PM
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