10 rules women should abide by
[Disclaimer: This is an article that i saved quite a while ago. Found it while browsing thru my HD full of craps. My HD is actually an oasis full of treasures *grin*]
Let's face it, guys -- dealing with women is often a confusing, frustrating, tear-your-hair-out-by-the-roots experience.
If you act like a gentleman, she thinks you're a wimp. If you're aggressive about sex, she calls you an "animal" -- but if you put on the brakes, you suddenly get relegated to "friend" status.
A lose-lose situation
If you express problems with her behavior, she finds a way to blame it on you. If you're nice to her and shower her with respect, she dumps you for a jerk who treats her like something he just scraped off his shoe. And if you try the jerk routine, she accuses you of being a "control freak" and runs off with the bad boy anyway.
This is why every guy out there is scratching his head, saying, "Why are women so screwed up?" and, "What the hell do they want?"
That's because we tend to think like, well, men -- not like women. The fuel that runs our brains is logic, but women's thought processes are invincibly emotion-based. Women don't have to make sense to themselves.
And yet, somehow, it all makes sense to them.
Go figure.
You can't.
Cue the monkey wrench
But here's the monkey wrench: As guys, we're supposed to puppy-dog it and obediently put up with all this irrational, inconsistent behavior. We're supposed to cater to women while they expect to get away with manipulating us and acting any way that suits their fancy at the moment.
The reason? That's easy; in the relationship game, women hold the trump card: sex. And most guys would rather just roll over and offer their backs to the "p-whip" than risk losing access to the goodies.
Women know this. They use it against us. They expect us to tolerate their whims and sexual blackmail because they have what we want.
Don’t let her bash your rights
Well, guys, it's time for a change. Giving your power to a woman robs you of your fundamental rights as a man. It's time for us to stand up for ourselves and demand what we want in a relationship.
After all, it's only fair -- we live in a day and age of equal rights and equal rights means equal rights, not equal rights when it's convenient for her.
So start cracking your own whip. Ask her to pick you up for a change. Start demanding sex from her when you're in the mood. And why shouldn't she be the one to put the toilet seat up?
Oh sure, she'll rant and rave, and call you a "jerk," and try to blame it all on you. She'll call you "selfish" and "not interested in a relationship." And when that doesn't work, she'll cut off the sex, smugly confident that you won't be able to endure the siege.
But if you stand firm and hold your own, pretty soon she'll realize you're serious. And then things will change. Either she'll bolt (good riddance), or she'll transform herself into the partner you really want -- someone who can give as well as she can take.
The new rule book
So now it's time for you to lay down the law. Ask her to change. Tell her you're not going to put up with her behavior any more. To get you started, here's a list of 10 basic rules that you should print out and hand over to every woman in your life. From now on, these are the rules she can abide by:
1- Learn how to communicate
Say what you mean, ask for what you want directly. Expecting a man to interpret indirect signals and read your mind is not communication.
2- Learn to be consistent
Irrational behavior just doesn't cut it. If you say you're going to do something, then follow through and do it. Be honest with yourself -- don't say one thing and do another. And for God's sake, don't change your mind a million times.
3- Stop using sex as bait
If you want to have sex, then have sex. Don't use sex as a tool to manipulate men. And another thing: Stop tempting men with low-cut dresses or bare midriffs and then blame them for trying to get you into bed. If you need attention that badly, go see a shrink.
4- Develop a conscience
Stop abusing your sexual power. Many women have no ethical dilemmas at all about using men for favors or financial gain by dangling the promise of sex in front of them. Not only is this deceitful and immoral, but it's a double standard nothing short of fraud.
5- Knock off the mixed messages
If you're interested in a guy, let him know it. Ditto with sex. Maybe playing hard to get is cool if you're 12 years old, but it's just annoying 20 years later. Refer to rule #1 -- men aren't able to read minds, so don't expect them to.
6- Stop expecting men to finance your life
This is the 2000's, for God's sake -- women are enjoying unparalleled career and earning opportunities, and it's unfair to treat men like ATM machines, especially when many women are earning as much or more than we are. It may be a great scam, but at its core, it's nothing but age-old prostitution -- trading sex for money.
7- If you expect equality, then act like it
Equal rights means equal rights across the board -- not just when it's in your best interests. If you expect equal pay, then expect to be drafted and pay your share of dating expenses, too.
8- Stop blaming men for all your problems
We aren't what's wrong -- you are.
9- Just be nice
Can't you just be nice? Nobody likes a nasty, self-serving bitch. And men today are very, very tired of self-serving bitches.
10- Read “The Rules”
That's right, read it. Then do the opposite of every piece of advice the authors give. This is an ugly little book written by two women who know nothing at all about men and a lot about female greed.
[P/S: The author of this article actually had a book title “Sex-Ploytation” which is a darn good book [and when I say it’s good, I mean IT IS good *grin*]. The main focus of the book is actually on American women but I do think that it applies on most women.
But seriously, if I have enough money and they do sell this book in local bookstores, I’d make this book as my standard present for birthday, anniversary, etc for any women *chuckle*. Heck, if I have the money, I’d even distribute the book on streets for free]
Are you applied this as General Woman charactor and General Man charactor...i do feel that there is nothing "general" for the gender. I should said it's all very based on individual. Those charactor that you mentioned on woman...it did applied to man as well. For example "change their mind million times", this is not woman priority...It does appeared in MAN charactor too. That's what i meant here...Based on individual not gender....The book is not worth buying...wasting of money...
Anonymous, at October 6, 2004 at 2:02 PM
Point #1: Every man moans about wanting a woman who would think and behve like a guy. But when u do get one, you'll probably find that you wont like it very much.
Point #2: It is extremely unfair to generalise women like that. [To noodlez: The fact that you want to distribute this piece of trash to everyone on the street proves that you're generalizing - to the extreme.]
Point #3: Men are more subceptible to being unfaithful than women (hey, everyone's generalising anyway). If they're not getting sex from their women they'd just go out and find other women who will.
Point #4: Nine out of ten men will tell you that they wouldnt mind having a woman make the first move. Fine. Very good. I like that attitude (I'm female, by the way). However, what they say and how they actually react after a woman HAS made the first move are two very different things. Most men have an in-built phobia about not being the first one to make a move. The moment a gal shows interest they lose interest, and if we DON'T show interest they complain that we play hard to get. WTF?
Point #5: We ARE nice. Of course there are self-serving bitches in the world (there are also self-serving bastards, please be reminded), but if you CHOOSE to get involved with them (and most probably for the sex, then that's your own bloody fault anyway), so who the hell are you to complain?
Point #6: If men only had the sense to find/look for women who dont act according to the list, they wouldnt be bitching about it in the first place, dont you think so? (and trust me, there are plenty of sensible women out there. The only problem is that most men's brains are located between their legs, which then results in them going for the bitches, which then results in the above-mentioned (men's) bitching).
So lay down all the bloody laws you want. I say that if you already have a really great lady, you'll find no need to lay down those laws at all, or even think about doing so. She'd have enough common sense not to act like that already, or to pick a guy who, instead of going out and LOOKING for her, chooses instead to bitch about the more undesirable ones of her species.
Note: all of the above (ok, maybe excluding #2) is merely a reply to the article, not a personal attack on noodlez.
Anonymous, at October 7, 2004 at 1:50 PM
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