.: food for soul...

[ Tuesday, February 22, 2005 ]

sex and the city - season 1 @ episode 2

Sex and the City – Season 1 @ Episode 2 - Models and Mortals

[These are quotes from the episode. In bracket and bold = yours truly, everything else = the quotes. The reason why i skipped the first/pilot episode is because I lazy wanna watch again. And btw, in this episode, you can actually see nipples and the sound of women moaning while doing it. And they do use alot of the F-word. We need shows like this in this country]

Modelizers are a particular breed. They're a step beyond womanizers... who will sleep with just about anything in a skirt. Modelizers are obsessed not with women, but with models... [What do they call guys who are obsessed with pretty looking girls in general? Shallow? Or a facializer? But I do know men who would practically sleep with anything in a skirt. There is womanizer but why isn’t there "manizer?"]

As if we didn't have enough problems. – [Carrie complaining that models are a problem for regular women to get men. Can’t really blame her for complaining. Models do set a high standard for regular women to follow. We men are often being bombarded with images of girls in perfect body with the most gorgeous looking face. So it’s not really a man’s fault to be wanting for a beautiful girl. Look at all those ads that say a girl can lose 80 inches in one week, or gel that can make your breast go up 3 cup sizes in 3 days, or make up powder that will gives you flawless skin. It gives men the impression that, ALL women can look pretty with little effort. So if you think men are being impossible for wanting women to always look beautiful as a model, then go blame the media and ask them to stop promoting impossible standard of beauty. And until that day, I still want a good face]

They're (models) stupid and lazy and should be shot on sight. [I forgot who said this]

The advantages given to models and to beautiful women in general... are so unfair, it makes me puke. Cute doesn't cut it in this town. What's cute compared to supermodel? [This is really true. Beautiful women really have it made in this world. But there are still those who would go for cute girls. Those who think that they do not stand a chance with a supermodel. Men got to be sensible sometimes. If he thinks he can’t get a supermodel, then he got to change his preference. If a guy knows he can go for a supermodel, will he settle with a cute one? Of coz not. But one thing that most guys do not know is that, looks in general does not carry much weigh with women. Ugly man can still get beautiful women. Sure supermodels won’t go long term with a below-average looking guy and no money but if he excels in certain other areas, he might just get laid for the night. And what more can a guy like that ask for than having the bragging right to saying "I f**ked a supermodel". Priceless ;)]

What I wanna know is... when did all the men get together and decide... that they would only get it up for giraffes with big breasts? [Men decides that when they first saw a giraffe with big breast. Don’t blame men for being shallow and wants long legs and big breast. You women are the one who proved to us men that it is possible for a woman to have a body figure like Barbie]

We should just admit that we live in a culture... that promotes impossible standards of beauty. Except men think they're possible. [Yeah, I really have to agree with this. Like I said earlier, we men really think that women being beautiful are no hard work. Women have all sorts of stuffs to make them beautiful. And who promotes those impossible standards of beauty in the first place anyway? Women did. So men are not being shallow here, we are just being realistic. I mean if those ads can make it look so easy to be beautiful, then it shouldn't be a problem, right? Hehe]

[And from my observation in the discussion about models between this 4 girls, I think it’s safe to say that, all women in this world has got at least one thing that they hate about themselves physically]

If models could cause otherwise rational individuals... to crumble in their presence, exactly how powerful was beauty? [Very powerful. Beauty can trigger a man’s imagination. And depending on what kinda imagination, it can release a wave of liquid fire of lust or medically, we call it testosterone. And testosterone is known to cause men to stop thinking rationally. And when men are not thinking rationally… things happen]

There are two types of guys that fall for beautiful women. Either they're slime-balls that are just out to get laid... or they fall in love with you instantly. It's pathetic. [TRUE!!! But i wouldn’t call it love thou, infatuation or obsession maybe. But I do confess that, before the age of 21, whenever I see a pretty lady, in my mind, it’s either I wanna jump in bed with her or I am totally in love with her at first sight]

A modelizer: Why f**k the girl in the skirt... if you can f**k the girl in the ad for the skirt?

A model: Being beautiful is such a power. You can get whatever you want. [And nothing is truer than that. Beauty is like a recyclable blank cheque. You just got to know which bank to cash it and you can cash it again and again until the bank runs out of money and at which point, you find another bank]

It's not like models don't have brains. They have them. They just don't need to use them. Most guys just think you're dumb, but I'm really very literary. I read. I'll sit down and read a whole magazine from cover to cover. [I like this one. Funny]

My friends think I'm shallow. Sometimes I think they're right. Other times I think, "Hey, I'm f**king a model." [Yeah, if you are sleeping with a model, do you mind what other thinks of you? I don’t think so]

Carrie: She (Samantha) was one of the only people I knew who thought that proximity to beauty...made her feel more attractive. [But amazingly, in this country… every time I see a bunch of girls together, there will always be 1 pretty girl surrounded by a few not-so-pretty girls. I hardly see a group of girls where they are all gorgeous]

Carrie: I thought I had come to terms with my looks the year I turned 30... when I realized that I no longer had the energy to be completely superficial. [So if you want to find a wife, take your pick from the 28 and above. Biologically and psychologically, women below the age of 28 are not yet ready for marriage. You want a marriage that last, not a marriage that ends in dumps]

A modelizer: It's amazing what you'll do to be with these models. I've gotta retire soon. They keep me from getting work done, they make me f**k up my life. Look at me! I'm an old man at 34. [He did look like crap when he say that. And he is not even that good looking]

Mr. Big: But I've been thinking about your article about men who date models.

Carrie: What about them?

Mr. Big: First of all, there are so many goddamn gorgeous women in this city.

Carrie: What an amazing observation.

Mr. Big: But the thing is this. After a while... you just wanna be with the one that makes you laugh. Know what I mean? [At the end of the day, pretty face is common. Sure we men want someone who looks good but ultimately, we just want someone who can make us laugh, someone with a good heart, someone with substance and not just all superficial. And nicely put by Mr. Big]

[We want a model who is a mortal]

posted by [ noodlez ] | [ 12:18 AM ]


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