.: food for soul...

[ Tuesday, March 22, 2005 ]

sex and the city - season 1 @ episode 3

Sex And The City - Season 1 @ Episode 3 - Bay Of Married Pigs

[Bracket and bold = me, everything else = quotes from the episode]

Brokers give investment advice. Architects, design advice. Single people give married friends tidbits from their sexual escapades. [I once read an article somewhere that says, it's easy to get women if you are good in bed and it doesn't mean just one woman. When a guy is really good in bed and satisfies his partner "thoroughly", the words will get around and women will start coming at you, especially the friends of the women he just slept with. Women share everything among themselves; one reason is because women in general are extremely competitive among themselves. Sometimes, when a woman becomes the third party in a relationship, it's not because she loves the guy, it's actually because she's competing with the other woman. Men just get stuck in between the battle. Be a stud in bed and girls will start coming at you. But if you're a dud, the words go around too. So be generous and give more and you'll get 10 times the reward. Guys who are unselfish in bed often get more in return than they could handle. Not that it's a bad thing *wink*]

When someone gets married, all bets are off. They become married, and we become the enemy. [Women. Can never understand them]

Married women are threatened because we can have sex... anytime, anywhere with anyone. And they're afraid we're gonna have it anytime, anywhere with their husbands [Hehe. This is good. So why get married?]

Face it, ladies. If you're still single, you are not to be trusted [And why is that? Because, as a woman, you know what other women are capable of and you know how other women think and how manipulative and cunning they can be. And to be fair, single women should indeed not to be trusted (by married women). As I said earlier, women in general are very competitive, they love challenge and what is better than the challenge of catching a married man? Most women who go for the married man with reasons other than financial are women who seek validations. They don't love the guy; they just wanna know that they still "have it". If I can have another woman's man, that means I'm better than that woman. Women loves that]

[A guy who is often surrounded with girls will get a girl easier than a nice guy who's often alone. The reason is, why want a guy who no women want when you can have a guy that other women are fond of. Obviously there's something about the guy that makes all the women like him so in a way, if a guy is often surrounded with girls, it makes him much more attractive so to speak. That being said, it's far more easier to pick up a girl at a disco or pub when you are with a girl than when you're with a bunch of guys]

The ones [married women] who don't fear you pity you [single women] - [This is true. If they don't fear you, they really do pity you. If they are not jealous of you, they do pity you]

Carrie: Is there a secret cold war between marrieds and singles? [It's not cold war, it's borderline hypocrisy. The reason why the marrieds are "afraid" or hate the singles so much is because they know how women work. When women are single, they want man who is stable, committed and stuffs and often you get that from married man. And women too know that, other woman's man is often a good target. When they are single, they want married/attached man, when they are married, they hate single women. It's something like a guy who is a stud, a babe-magnet. He got all the tools to get any girl he wants. But when he got married and has a daughter, he will dread the fact that his daughter might meet a guy like himself. It's basically the same with women, they know what women are capable of and that is why they do not like single women after they got married. A woman loves it when she knows that she can get any guy she wants but she will hate it if another girl like her shows up on her husband] [It's like saying "I know I can get any guy I want and I love that, but I hate it when another girls who can get any guy she wants shows up hitting on my husband". Another way to put it, "It's ok if I do it to others but it's not ok if others do it to me". Some women will find a reason (women justifications a.k.a logic that makes no sense) to hit on a married man but when she got married and another girl hit on her husband, she'll flip big time]

I love my single friends. But now that I'm married... I don't see them as much as I used to. It's too painful. They remind me of how desperate I used to be. [Well, I've been reading this line again and again for 10 minutes and I just don’t know what to say]

Christ! When did being single translate into being gay? [This is another social prejudice. And this is too why people kept getting on with the wrong person. They did not choose properly. They are pressured to be attached because of the labels society puts on single man and woman. They don't really care who they are with, as long as they are not single, that's good enough. Some people just do things for all the wrong reasons. And then you had an accident and got married with the wrong guy. If you want to have an accident, make sure you have it with the right guy. Single women are labeled as outcasts, unattractive, nobody-wants. Single men will get the loser tag, wimp, hopeless. Is it really that important to be attached to someone? People who consciously decide to be single until they find someone they really like are much more secure of themselves that those who hang on to someone while they're on the lookout for someone else] [Although I do admit that it's much more easier to just tell people that I'm gay instead of explaining why I'm still single. They would never understand. See what society has made me into? A liar. Sigh]

Maybe the cold war isn't about hate. Maybe it's about fear, fear of the unknown. Married people don't hate singles. They just want us figured out. [They don't hate, they just fear. Fear of what single women are capable of. Especially desperate single women. Women are ruthless and women never fight fair]

Sean [the guy who wants to get married]: I don't understand you women. All I hear is... "I want to get married." And none of you says yes. What the fuck? I'm so tired of going through women. I just want to get married. [I don't believe in this. If you really want to get married, you got to choose properly. You can't get married for the sake of just getting married. That is stupid. A man should never get tired of going through women; he just got to keep on moving until he finds the one. Good things do not come easy. If you think you are a good man then believe in yourself that there's a good woman out there. But If you don't think there's a good woman out there, then perhaps it also means that, you're not such a good man after all]

Man has his will –but- woman has her way -- Oliver Wendell Holmes [Another reason why women often feel threaten by another women, because she knows all women have their own way of getting what they want. Never underestimate a woman. She may be weak but she has her ways]

In revenge and in love woman is more barbarous than man. -- Friedrich Nietzche [Need I say more?]

posted by [ noodlez ] | [ 3:28 AM ]


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