.: food for soul...

[ Saturday, February 26, 2005 ]

open response #[i lost count #3]

hmmm.. let me predict some part of the phsycology game here...
at some stage, people tend to stay alone yet need to gain some attention.. it is not really alone wannabe... it is just too tired with same old thing.. it need something new and fresh to provoke its interest to create a brand new smile. just like a little kitty that found itself a brand new basket to lay itself, it will stay away from its home for awhile. after sometime, when it recall the old place, it will eventually try its best to walk all the way back just to drop by. after a short drop by, it will walk further distance to get another new basket again to lay itself for another time. because there's always another basket that makes it feel attracted and afraid no more with the human around it. sometimes it will wanna stay away from human, sometimes it wanted to stick to brand new and interesting human. so can be say lonely kitty wannabe, at the same time love attention when it wink wink its tail...wavy groovy... bleh~~~
happy days ahead..

You know what, I smiled while reading this. It’s funny that you used kitty as the protagonist here. To a certain extent in a psychological level, women are very much similar to kitties.

Women love excitement. They love something interesting. The reason why this kitty of yours never stay put is because she needs excitement, something fresh, something new. And like all women who think/know that she is beautiful, she will never have to worry about anything because she knows there’s always another "basket" just around the corner. Even if the basket is interesting at first, but if the basket keeps staying the same, eventually, the kitty will find it boring and will walk out to look for a new and more interesting basket. Pretty much like women if you ask me. If everything becomes a routine, sooner rather than later, she will just be on the lookout for another "basket". Routine and boring stuffs do not create emotions, and we all know women can't live without fulfilling their emotional needs. Ever wonder why women prefer to watch soap operas with alot of tears instead of investigative shows that have cars blowing up? Ever wonder how a woman can go to the cinema NINE times to watch Titanic? And that movie is 3 hours long.

Kitties are different. If you try to get a kitty to come and sit on your lap by tapping your lap (to signal to the kitty), she will not come to you. But if you act like you do not care and continue watching the papers, eventually, she will slowly sneak up to you and sit nicely on your lap. Kitties and women love attention, but when they get it, they act snobbish. But if you don’t care for them, they will in turn try to get your attention instead. That is why guys who try too hard will hardly get a girl but instead, those who hardly try will usually get the girl. Women want a guy who doesn’t want her and they do not want a guy who wants her. Makes no sense, but that is women in general. But it actually makes sense if you see into the psychological structure of a woman. They way women and men think are totally different. Men expect women to think like them and women expect men to think like them. It’s a no win. So, the moral of the story is; get a cat and practice on the kitty. There's a reason why alot of guys hate kitties and why women seem to prefer kitties in general.

When a man says he wants to be alone, he really means he wants to be alone. But when a woman says she wants to be alone, only God knows what she really means. If a woman says she wants to be alone and the guy say "ok, I’ll leave you alone" and then the girl will think "he doesn’t care for me" or "you stupid ass, I ask you to leave me alone and you REALLY leave me alone. If I ask you to jump of KLCC, then you really going to jump izzit??!?!?!" Hehe, this is fun.

And you have a happy weekend too :)


still hvnt finish writing bout women eh?

Well, I’m not sure who you are but if you are someone who had known me for a while, then you should know that I’ll never be finish writing about women :)

It’s like an interest of some sort. Some people love to talk about cars and some women love to talk about fashion. But me, I love to write about women. They are interesting, intriguing and fascinating. There are times when they are lovely, sensitive and adorable but yet sometimes they can be a pain in the ass.

It’s like eating Nasi Lemak Antarabangsa in Kampung Baru. It’s hot like heck but it’s tasty like heck too. You know that the more you eat, the hotter it’ll get but you just can’t stop yourself from eating coz it’s just so tasty. Just like women, they can drive you crazy but life is not as exciting as when it is with women around.

Will I ever stop writing about women? Sure, when I turn gay. Well, someone actually believed I was gay once. Haha. But will I ever turn gay? I don’t think so. Between the ladies and the guys, I’d take the ladies in a heartbeat.


Robert Frost: Road Not Taken

Two roads diverged in a yellow wood,
And sorry I could not travel both,
And be one traveler, long I stood,
And looked down one as far as I could
To where it bent in the undergrowth;

Then took the other, as just as fair,
And having perhaps the better claim,
Because it was grassy and wanted wear;
Though as far for that, the passing there
Had worn them really about the same,

And both that morning equally lay
In leaves no step had trodden black.
Oh! I kept the first for another day!
Yet knowing how way leads to way,
I doubted if I should ever come back.

I shall be telling this with a sigh
Somewhere ages and ages hence:
Two roads diverged in a wood, and I-
I took the one less traveled by,
And that has made all the difference

Nice. I posted this poem in this blog a while ago. One of my favorite. And you got good taste there ;)

posted by [ noodlez ] | [ 3:18 AM ]


  • Most of people are afraid when it comes to a word called 'Change'. To change their way of life after so many years is kind of hard for some people.. especially when they are already in the comfort zone. To some, uncertainties are often associated with change.. making it harder for people to change.

    By Anonymous Anonymous, at February 26, 2005 at 11:06 AM  

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