.: food for soul...

[ Friday, March 18, 2005 ]

have you...

1. Have you ever placed a bet on a friend?
Many times... and you still got the chance to see me go bald if you take the deal ;)

2. Have you ever flirted with someone who had a bf/gf?
I don't see anything wrong with it (not that the question implied anything about right or wrong). It doesn't matter who you flirt with, what matters is who you go back to at the end of the day

3. Have you ever cried in public?
Do I look like a sissy to you? No!

4. Have you ever loved someone so much you cried?
Again... do I look like a sissy? Again... No! But I'd do more than crying for that someone who I love so much.

5. Have you ever been out of the country?
Yeah... on a spying mission for the central intelligence agency. Codename: solid snake. Mission: retrieving metal gear.

6. Have you ever kissed someone?
I don’t have to. People tried to kiss me.

7. Have you ever watched the sunrise with someone?
Well... there was once on a PD trip where a friend of mine wanted to watch the sunrise so a bunch of them went out to watch the sunrise while I'm back sleeping at the house. But what they didn't realize was, the sun rises from the east and not from the west and PD is facing the west. So it was funny when they got back and I asked them how was the sight.

8. Have you ever flipped someone off?
Yeah, and it was fun. Like flipping burger on a hot pan. Hehe.

9. Have you ever written a poem?
You wanna hear some? Me wrote pretty amazing poems back in school. Poems with attitude I call them.

10. Have you ever lost a friend?
Yeah... but they are still alive

11. Have you ever been dumped?
I only know if they have got good taste or not. That's all

12. Have you ever made out in a movie theater?
No, but I would love to. Any takers?

13. Have you ever driven out of state (you had to be the one driving)?
Does imagining it counts? I’ve driven to many states in GTA and NFS.

14. Have you ever stayed up all night?
How about staying up for straight 70 hours. Was actually going for 72 but falls short of it. Maybe next time.

15. Have you ever had braces?
Nope, but used to have a friend who's in braces and she's really beautiful. My second crush of all time. Still gives me the butterflies every time I think of her.

16. Have you ever slept all day?
Yeah... after staying up for 70 hours.

17. Have you ever walked in the rain?
How about swimming in the rain? Playing tennis in the rain? And playing tennis in the rain is FUN. Especially when you hit the ball and have all the water splattered. Pretty darn cool and I missed that. Me miss top-spinning a wet ball.

18. Have you ever received flowers just because?
Yeah, when I was a kid. Mommy said I'm a stud with the girls when I was a kid... hehe.

19. Have you ever been in a plane?
I have a plane... wanna see? Haha. No.

20. Have you ever had dejavu?
Many times. But never devaju on the lottery numbers. Sigh.

21. Have you ever been on TV?
Yeah... when I was a kid. In the news. And another time when I was standing on top of the TV (you said "on TV")

22. Have you ever lied to a bf/gf?
It's not consider a lie until the other person finds out about it. So, the answer is No ;)

23. Have you ever cheated on your bf/gf?
See above.

24. Have you ever fallen asleep outside?
Does blacking out on a moving escalator counts? Busted my cheek and nearly got my eyes. And I once fall asleep inside a studio where a jam was in session. Pretty impressive huh?

25. Have you ever changed yourself for someone else?
I changed alright, thanks to someone. And I've said this again and again. Me really owe this person big time.

26. Have you ever started a rumor?
I am gay!!! Anyone wanna straighten me up?

27. Have you ever wished you could redo yesterday?
Reality dictates that you can never redo yesterday, so this is a stupid question. Why even contemplate on something that's impossible?

28. Have you ever cried yourself to sleep?
How many times do I have to say this? Do I look like a sissy? And regardless of what you would say, I am not a sissy and neither do I look like one!

29. Have you ever promised to do something and haven't?
A promise made was a necessity of the past. A promise broken is a necessity of the present - Nicolo Machiavelli

posted by [ noodlez ] | [ 8:28 PM ]


  • I'll go bald ONLY IF you take the bet and actually win it ;) and rememeber, it has to be on my terms. If I'm satisfy with it, I'll go bald .. (please let me win this *praying hard*)

    By Blogger noodlez, at March 22, 2005 at 3:44 AM  

  • Have you ever changed yourself for someone else?
    I changed alright, thanks to someone. And I've said this again and again. Me really owe this person big time.

    WHO WHO???
    Is it ME?? ME?? ME?????

    By Anonymous Anonymous, at April 8, 2005 at 10:46 AM  

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